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Abomasopexy + Omentopexy.pdf ACEC Guideline for Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Sheep.pdf Anaesthesia & Surgical Preparation.png antibiotics.url ASA GRADE.png background.jpg Bovine Rumenotomy.pdf Catheterization Concept video.url Complications and prognosis.png Constant Rate Infusion Principles.url DRUGS AND CALCULATIONS.docx Fasting .jpg Fasting 2.jpg Fistulation + Cannula Placement.pdf How To Handle And Restrain Sheep.pdf Image H.png Images A-E.png Images F&G.png Incisional Approaches to Laparotomy.url Indcations1.png Indications.png Instruments video.url Inverted L Block.jpg laparotomy contraindications.url laparotomy overview.url Left Flank Approach Schematic.png Lumbosacral Epidural Block.jpg merck's manual.url Methodology Video.url pain management.url Paravertebral Nerve Block.jpg Physical Exam.url Post-op.pdf Post-Operative Care Pictures.jpg PRE-OP care for RIHANNA.pdf Pre Operative care for Rihanna the Sheep.ppt Relevant Anatomy.png Right Flank Anatomy.jpg Right Flank Exploratory Laparotomy.docx Right Flank Exploratory Laparotomy Flow Chart.jpg Right or Left Displaced Abomasum or Abomasal Volvulus.url Surgery Instruments.url Surgical Technique.png Surgical Technique1.png Surgical Technique2.png SurgicalTechnique3.png Suture material.png Suture Materials.url Uses of Right Flank Laparotomy.png wound care.url